What Do You Do When Occupants or Neighbors Are Too Loud?

Unless you live in your own house with neighbors located several hundred feet away, you may find dealing yourself with a noisy neighbor. With tenants getting in and out of the place, there will be a time when you have to deal with noise from repairs and renovations or from kids and pets, especially in rental properties.

However, if your neighbor – or your tenant – is making the racket too much and too often, it may be time to do something about it.

Make a Friendly Request to Keep the Noise Down

Your tenants or neighbors might not actually be aware of the noise they are making so the first approach should always be a friendly one. Knock on their doors, arm yourself with a smile and approach them with a friendly request to keep the noise down. Tell them about the loud noise that’s been bothering you and avoid threatening them or it could turn the situation worse.

Contact Your Landlord

If your neighbors still can’t bring the peace you are asking for despite several requests, try seeking the help of your landlord. Most lease and rental contracts come with a right to “enjoy some quiet”. If it seems like the landlord is not doing anything to stop the excessive noise, you could file for a small claims lawsuit or break your lease and move out early.

Seek Help from the Police

Most cities have ordinances and laws regarding keeping a certain noise level inside the home. Get a copy of the law and familiarize yourself with what noise level or ‘quiet’ times are being mandated as legal. If you think that your neighbors are clearly violating these laws, be sure to hand your landlord a copy of the law so tell to their tenants.

However, if this does not work, the next best step that you can do is call the authorities. It is preferable to call the police while the noise is in progress, too, so your complaint is backed up with strong evidence.

Of course, you also have to remember to be a responsible neighbor to other occupants of the apartment or house you are staying in. Go for top floors especially if you have kids or tell everyone to be as quiet as possible, especially at night, to prevent disturbing anyone’s sleep. You may be complaining about your neighbor or tenant but, for all you know, you could be creating the same noise as well.

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