Tips to Land an Apartment without Credit Checks

With all the fresh graduates being churned out on a yearly basis, it has become an issue as to how exactly these people can land an apartment without a credit history. Many landlords require a history to help them determine whether you can actually pay your dues, or if you’re just looking for a cool place to kick it until you effectively get kicked out. Acquiring a rental without a credit check, employment verification, or rental history is possible if you take these steps into consideration.

  1. Rent from an Individual Owner

    – Rental companies will almost always require a history before they grant a contract. This is why it can be tough for fresh graduates and start-up individuals to find decent rentals. The solution is to look for an individual owner who’s offering up their apartment for rent. This will allow you to make negotiations and come to an agreement regardless of whether or not you have the history they will usually require.

  2. Prove Savings Balance

    – Maybe you don’t have a credit history, but you can still assure a landlord of your ability to pay by showing proof of savings balance. This can be in the form a bank statement or a balance inquiry that will show them just how much money you have to your name. As a general rule, you should ensure that your rent only takes up 1/3 of your take home pay. If your rent costs much more than you can afford to shell out in a month, a landlord will most likely decline doing business with you.

  3. Security Deposit

    – A security deposit is a payment made before the start of a rental contract to assure the landlord that your rental fees are covered for a few coming months. If you pay two to three months upfront before the start of your contract, your landlord won’t have to worry about you failing to pay for the period of time you already paid for.

  4. Provide References

    – There are probably a few people in your circle who know your capacity to pay for rent. If you want to prove to a landlord that you are capable of renting out their space, you should ask one of your good friends (those with reliable histories, that is) to write up a reference letter to reassure your potential landlord of your ability to make payments on time.

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