For many years, townhouses have filled a gap in the US housing market.
Affordable and higher end properties can give someone looking for more than an apartment that home-like feel and satisfaction of being independent.
Finding an affordable townhouse can be difficult for beginners, as they are not as easy to find as standard apartments or regular home sales. So, we have made a tip list to help consumers find affordable townhouse properties without the hassle and struggle that others might have to tolerate.
Use Rental Websites – It is imperative that a prospective renter be able to navigate the plethora of rental websites and townhouse finder websites. Be aware of which sites offer competitive listing prices so that you can compare prices in the surrounding area for similar properties. This will help you identify which ones are overpriced and which ones are bargains. Know the sites that are seller or renter friendly, meaning the ones that cater to the renter rather than the rentee. Prices will usually be higher on those sites. Also, identify the websites you find as rent only or rent/buy websites. Too often customers waste time browsing websites that are predominantly listing for sale listings.
Use Friends – Friends and family are a great way to discover great deals on townhouses in your area. Remember that for every friend you ask, they have a network of friends helping them look for you also, so the number of people looking for your next great deal is exponentially increasing each and every week.
Take Advantage of Your Credit – Use your good credit to your advantage. Sometimes, a good credit score can equal a reduction in rent during the negotiating process. It is very common for the owner or manager of certain properties to accept lower rent when they feel confident that the individual will pay the rent timely and in good faith. Think of yourself as a hot commodity, as if you also have something to bring to the negotiating table.
These three simple tips can help you find a more affordable tow house in your area. The real estate market is still volatile in the United States, so more and more people are looking for alternatives to purchasing a traditional home. This means that rental properties are becoming scarcer and more expensive. Use these tips to your advantage and you can still capture that perfect town house of your dreams at a reasonable price.